What's your favorite dog eater?

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What's your favorite dog eater?

When it comes to feeding dogs, understanding their nutritional needs and food preferences is critical to the health and happiness of these favorite animals in humans. Dog food preferences vary depending on the dog's type, age and health status, but dogs show clear preferences towards certain types of food. Understanding what they love and what they like becomes vital to ensuring balanced and beneficial nutrition for their long-term health and happiness.

How do dogs taste food?

If you look in your dog's mouth (and in your mouth too), you'll see plenty of small protrusions called papillae, each with clusters of taste liquids.
Each phalima contains about 50 bait receptor cells. Dogs have fewer taste papillae than we do - about 1,700 papillae in the average dog versus 9,000 in our body. Phillips in different parts of the tongue respond to different small particles. Like us, dogs can recognize sweet, sour, salty, and bitter flavors. Unlike us, they also have special dreamers that are only interested in tasting water. Therefore, for dogs, water may not be as tasteless as we usually describe it.

These water receptors are located at the tip of the tongue - the part where the dog dips to drink water and wraps under the tongue while drinking.

In humans, the tip of the tongue is most sensitive to sweet taste, which is why humans like to turn candy around the tip of their tongue. In dogs, the back of the tongue is most sensitive to sweet flavors. And that's probably why they seem to swallow it so quickly.

Dogs also have taste papillae behind their throat, so they can actually taste food they seem to inhale without chewing!
Dogs have a light taste of salt.

Compared to humans, dogs cannot taste salt well. This is because they evolved to eat meat, and meat naturally contains enough salt to meet the needs of their bodies without having to look for it. But she can still taste salt.

What is dog eating?
But what exactly do dogs like to eat? To help you answer this question, we've compiled a list here. Many of these nutrients will be ingredients in regular dog food, and you can also give some as a delicious meal every now and then.

It's important to realize that each of the foods below won't contain everything a dog needs to stay happy and healthy, so if only one type of food is fed exclusively (even meat), it can lead to nutritional deficiencies. A balanced diet can only be achieved by carefully mixing various foods to provide the right amounts and proportions of nutrients.
So to keep your dog friend in good shape, give them whole, balanced dog food, and remember that snacks don't have to make up more than 10% of the total calories they eat per day.

Here are some food ideas that dogs love:

1. Dry food

Dry food is the least expensive type among other dog-eating species, and this makes many dog owners feed it to their dogs as a basic diet. It also lasts longer without spoiling or rotting, and doesn't even need to be refrigerated in the refrigerator. Dry food can help keep your dog's teeth healthy. Chewing dry, crunchy food helps reduce the accumulation of lime on his teeth. When it comes to choosing a particular commercial dry food for your dog, read the ingredients carefully, and choose a brand that uses healthy food as its primary ingredient.

2. Canned (wet) food

Most dogs like wet canned food. These foods have a long shelf life and are easy to find in any store, but they can be more expensive than dry food. For some dog owners, it's certainly worth some cost, but not every brand of commercial canned food provides the protein your dog needs. The real question is how much digestible protein this food provides. Indigestible protein will pass through your dog's system without decomposing into absorbable nutrients, so it's largely useless for it.

Most canned wet foods contain about 75% water. The higher the water content, the less nutrient content, the more food your dog must consume in order to get the nutritional value his body needs. So if you decide to feed your dog canned wet food, it's best to choose a type that says "100 percent nutritionally complete."

3-The semi-wet food.

Commercial dog foods for many different companies that are in the form of chopped or chopped steaks or other meaty foods are called semi-moist foods. These types of foods are the least nutritious of all other dog foods ever, and contain many added artificial flavors and colors. So you can feed it to your dog as a reward during training, good behavior, or just pamper it, but it shouldn't be considered a basic diet per se because it doesn't provide the nutrition your dog needs.

What do dogs eat from eating home-cooked food?

Dogs can eat a variety of home-cooked foods, but these foods should be safe and healthy for them. Here is a list of some cooked foods that dogs can safely feed:

1. Cooked meat: such as boiled chicken and beef or grilled without excess spices.

2. Cooked vegetables: such as carrots, potatoes and cooked zucchini without salt or spices.

3. Cooked rice: Rice can be mixed with cooked meat and vegetables to form a complete meal for the dog.

4. Cooked fish: provided that the bone and skin are removed and no harmful spices are added.
Dogs should avoid giving foods that may be harmful to them, such as foods with dense oils, spicy spices, or foods with harmful ingredients such as onions, garlic, and chocolate. Before adding any new food to a dog's diet, always consult a veterinarian to ensure the dog's safety and health.

What's your favorite dog eater?

Food preferences in different organisms vary depending on what they have evolved to eat. Wolves feed in the wild on about 80 percent meat, so your dog shows a strong preference for meat. Although dogs love meat, they are actually animal- and plant-eating animals, meaning they eat both plants and animals - your glasses, your cat's feces, and your furniture - almost anything!

Tests showed that most dogs prefer beef and pork over chicken and lamb. They also prefer warm and moist food to cold, dry food.
Of course, just like with humans, every dog has individual preferences. These preferences can arise in part as a result of preference for food they ate as puppy.

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